A few months ago, back in early August, I was in Oklahoma spending time with my grandparents for my last trip of the summer before returning to Utah. I, at least as of this year, have gotten into reading a bit. The books I tend to gravitate towards most are any that have to do with self-help, motivation, and just overall positive vibes! I stumbled across this book on Amazon I think is how I discovered it, and I found that I really enjoyed it! But, what did I like most about it?
First, and foremost, I loved how raw and genuine she was in her book. When I read her book, I did not feel like I was reading a story. I felt like she was speaking to me, I felt like it was a conversation, or as if I was listening/reading a speech she gave. The way she worded her book, to me, was fantastic! I think she did a great job in elaborating on things and making you feel good and hopeful that you too could make positive changes for yourself even if it is hard sometimes. She did really well with how she chose her wording she used, and the way she made her book feel so captivating as well!
Secondly, I liked how open she was. I liked the fact that she had the guts and confidence to put out information of her past that would not be seen by many as something that you can or should just come out and talk about. I wish more people could have the courage to talk about their past and use it in ways to help others in the same way she did. I loved that she talked about personal struggles she had, and how she dealt with them. She talks about things everyone deals with, like dealing with family asking you all sorts of questions, or making comments to you, and all of these things that, honestly, I don’t feel like a lot of people talk about. She talks about things that are not easy to talk about. But she talks about so much more too!
Thirdly, and finally, I loved that she talked about steps to take to get yourself to be successful. I like that she covered specific things people should try to overcome if they deal with them. She elaborates on how these things have affected herself, and what she did to overcome it. She talks openly about failures she has endured. She encourages failure, but most importantly, she encourages readers to get up and try again. Try, try, TRY. Again, and AGAIN, until you succeed. That is something that should always be encouraged. Keep going and never giving up is so important and are valuable traits for a person to have!
I will leave it here. In short, this is my review of her book. I could say more, and keep talking on and on about it, but I won’t make you guys endure that. Haha! I will see you guys soon! I hope you enjoy the first October video! Go check out Rachel Hollis’s books if you haven’t before, and I will see you guys again soon! Much love!
Best Regards,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!