Hello dear reader!
We are officially at the end of 2021! Crazy! This has been a wild year! But I am so grateful for all of the things that have come and gone this year. I have had new friends this year from my Health Coaching course. I still can't believe it was March of this year that I graduated from that program. Then going from the program to opening and starting my business in April! How crazy! I was fortunate enough to have gained two clients in the first months of my business being open. I am grateful for the new clients I just gained and any future clients that I will or may gain potentially in this upcoming new year. 2021 was one for the books in many ways! Not only did I embark on this new career journey, but I got to go do some pretty cool things too! I got to float the Homestead Crater in Midway for the first time! I went kayaking in two places we normally don't go to in Montana. We went and saw this "hidden" waterfall in Montana too! It has been a year of ups and downs! But that is life! So many good memories were made this year despite where our world is at right now.
I have no idea what 2022 will look like. I am excited to see all the wonders and lessons it holds for myself and everyone else! I have set my goals for 2022. I feel like I may have made too many, but I don't know. Haha! I will share how I made my goals for this upcoming new year in a separate post. But I am very excited for a new year and new beginnings, new adventures, new life experiences, and everything in between!
Thank you for sticking around if you have and for all of your support! I was not as active on here this year as I would have liked to be. I am planning to try and get back into posting more here hopefully in 2022. I had some burnout this year and was overwhelmed with trying to learn to have my own business and all of that. But I am hoping to post more here! I love you all and I cannot wait to see what 2022 will have for all of us!
Goodbye, 2021! Thank you for the lessons and experiences you provided me with and the memories that were made this year! To 2022, thank you for whatever you have in store for me and my loved ones, and I cannot wait to see what you will bring us!
Best wishes and lots of love,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!