Hello lovely person!
How are you doing? If I’m honest, I have no idea how long it’s been since I wrote a post on here. Which makes me sad honestly. But I am here to give an update on where I am and what I have been up to so far this summer! I have some exciting things to share in this post with you, so that makes me happy! But, before I start rambling, I’ll start telling you all the things!
The last four months have been busy, and this month is going to be busy too! It’s also been hard at different times due to loss of different loved ones. But that is life and it’s sad, but I know each of them have gone off to heaven, or to some magical place! At least I hope so! In April, and May I was in Houston visiting family. June and July were spent in Utah and Montana. Now, as I am writing this post, I am back in Utah and have been back for two weeks or so. Almost 3 weeks by now, I think. If all goes to plan, I should be heading back to Montana with my sister Alyssa in roughly 8 days. Work has been going well!
I have one client left and she finishes her program this month. I have a new service I am planning to launch towards the end of this month sometime. I am nervous to launch it but I am also excited! So, stay tuned, and be sure to spread the word if you feel inclined to do so! I am hoping that it is a service that helps me reach more people. Especially, if someone is wanting to find something to help them work on a certain goal, and they aren’t particularly ready or interested in a program per say. I’ve been getting back into vlogging more consistently too! I post a Vlog on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. If you’re interested, feel free to check out my YouTube channel for the most recent ones! But I think that’s all I know for now.
I don’t want this to be too long! It may already be too long. But I just wanted to say hi! I have been thinking of you guys and I am trying to brainstorm topics and stuff so I can start posting here more too! I love you all so much and I can’t wait to share the launch of my new service soon! If you have any topics, you’d like to hear me talk about or if there’s any content you’ve liked that you want more of let me know! I will leave a link below this for you to be able to easily get to YouTube and my other Social Media outlets if you’re new here! I will see you again really soon, hopefully! Sending love and hugs to you!
Best wishes and lots of love,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!
Link to all my things - https://linktr.ee/inspiring_blog_healthcoach