Hello lovely person!
In case you hadn't already guessed it by the title of this post, I have some pretty exciting news! I did not post about it on the day of. However, as of March 2, 2021, I am a certified Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach! Not only that, but as of March 29th, I am also a new member of the IIN Community Research Panel where I will get to help contribute feedback on future products and how they choose to create different programs, etc. At least that is my understanding of it! I am so excited and proud of where I am and where I am going! I always knew I wanted to impact and change the world somehow. It has been wonderful being able to be finding my path to be able to do that! Even more than that, I feel beyond blessed to be able to bring you with me on this journey. I am grateful for the support I have and continue to be given by those of you who read and respond to my blog!
I am writing this before it is active but by the time you see this my link to my Health Coaching website shall be up and finalized and ready for business! How exciting! I just got a desk, which started making things feel a little more real now. Coming up with my business name was a challenge, but I might talk to you about that adventure in a separate post. As this is my first entrepreneurial pursuit, there has been and will always be a lot to learn. As I told my stepsister a week or so ago from the day I am writing this, an entrepreneurial pursuit is not for the faint of heart. It truly takes individuals with the hearts' of lions to take on these types of pursuits. You either go all into the unknown, or you go in the direction where everything isn't as unknown or foreign in some way. As Robert Frost said in his beautiful poem The Road Not Taken,
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
It is in the moments that we truly step outside our comfort zones, step into or jump into the unknown, and occasionally take those paths that are less traveled by; that we can truly blossom, grow, and even find success. Whatever that may look like for each individual. Not that you can't find success through traditional pathways too. However, we are not all designed to stay on the beaten and worn down paths. Some individuals are just simply made and brought here to chase after the unknowns and mysteries life holds. No matter how scary or uncertain things can be at times on those journeys.
As I embark on this new journey and chapter into the unknown, or maybe the rediscovering of things I already once possibly knew. I cannot wait to start this and see where it takes me next! If any of you are interested, my Health Coach website is now up and running! Be sure to click the link below or click here to go to see my health coaching website! Come with me as I embark on this magical journey and let's find out together where it takes me!
Best wishes to all and lots of love,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!
My Health Coaching Website: elevatedwellness.llc