Hello lovely!
It is officially fall now, which means its officially acceptable to bring out all the pumpkin things! A.k.a Pumpkin season has officially begun! Usually when this starts Pumpkin Spice lattes tend to come with it. However, if you go and get the ones from the coffee shops, they have little to no real pumpkin element to them and are loaded with sugar! So, overall, not entirely the best option, even though they taste nice! So, in todays post, i share one way to make a healthy Pumpkin Spice latte at home using real pumpkin! Plus, a healthier sweetener alternative! I am thinking about doing another two separate videos showcasing two other easy ways to make this. If you'd be interested in seeing that be sure to let me know below, or through my social medias somehow! Until next time, I hope you enjoy the video and I will see you again soon!
Best wishes and lots of love,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!