Hello Beautiful Person!
I hope you are doing well! Happy fall! I am so glad we are getting into fall now! I think my two favorite seasons would be summer and fall! As we approach a new season, some people may not enjoy it one-hundred percent. If you are one of those individuals, know that is completely fine, and that your feelings are valid! For those of you who love fall too, have you had any pumpkin-flavored treats yet? Or just fall treats in general? So far, I have had pumpkin spiced lattes and pumpkin spice coffee, which I might review. We will see! But, that gets me into the main topic of this post, which is product reviews!
I have recently gotten a few things for myself for fun to try! I won't say what I got in-case I do decide to talk about what I got. I am not sure if it is something any of you would or wouldn't be interested in, but I have a pumpkin spice latte recipe I have been using off and on for a few years now. If you'd be interested in seeing it let me know, and I can either write a post or do a video making it! I have been doing posts more consistently in a few different places, and so I wanted to ask what your thoughts on it are?
I have been doing my regular Monday Motivation posts to Instagram. If you go to my "About" page here on the blog, you get a preview of my Instagram posts. On Facebook, I believe they show up there as well. I have recently been doing vlogs every Wednesday for the most part. On Thursdays, I have been doing videos for IGTV, where I talk about different topics. Finally, on Sundays, I am trying to get back on my every first and third Sunday of each month posting schedule for regular posts. If you have seen any of these, are they something you enjoy? Would you want to see anything different or more of one thing and not another? Let me know! I am happy to be getting back on track with posting and making content for all of you!
Until next time, I hope you are doing well! I can't wait to hear your feedback for the things above, and I will see you again real soon!
Best wishes,
The Inspiring Hummingbird!